Tis the season to launch a new book!
Amidst holiday shopping and school concerts and seasonal colds and other fa la la, we have actually and officially launched the new book project, This Day in the Life of Working Women. We marked this official beginning by sending an email last week to a couple thousand supporters on our community list and past book participants. Thanks for all the nice notes back (for me, they make all the difference!), and for the early rush of suggestions for day diarists to include in the new book. I love reading the reasons why someone suggests a particular woman as a day diarist—“…she is a personal inspiration…” “extraordinarily talented…” “her life is so different than mine…” "I want to create a day diary!" (I actually think it's terrific when a woman recommends herself.)
Please, keep the suggestions coming and, if you haven’t already, why not let the person you suggest know how much you appreciate her, and how you are interested in a day in her life. Now that would be a good Christmas present, or just a truly nice thing to do any time. Warm wishes and happy New Year!
Earlier this month I received my email announcing the launching of A Day in the Life of Working Women, and it sat on my desk for days as the weather got colder and my bank account got smaller. As much as I wanted to participate, I hesitated to submit my request for a comfirmation packet. I had just quit my job and started working at home as an independent consultant (a corporate trainer) so that I can work on a book manuscript, and now my time was spent going to the gym, cooking new recipes in the kitchen, and writing about loving the bodies we live in, while I waited for my training contracts to come through. I thought perhaps my story wouldn't fit the book because I no longer go to an office. I kept returning to that email and finally wrote a letter to Bindi, and she wrote back immediately, warmly welcoming me to become a day diarist. I am thrilled to be part of such an important project. Now when I am writing alone in my room, I feel I belong to hundreds of other women telling their own stories, and I am not alone at all.
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