This Day in the Life

A blog from the creators of the This Day book series

Saturday, November 04, 2006

And So It Begins

We just launched the revised This Day website that introduces the new book project This Day on the Job (though that’s just a working title). So what comes next? For me—breathe!

You would think, given that this is the third book in the series, I’d be less emotional about all this. But this is a big deal to me, plus I’m an excitable person anyway. Actually, this isn’t even the “official” launch of the book project (that happens in December). First, we’re doing a trial run with about 25 day diarists to make sure all our communication materials are communicating, and all website links are linking, among other things.

I think some of my high emotion is just run-of-the-mill catastrophizing. What if women decide maybe it isn’t such a good idea to share what they really think about their job, just in case their boss buys a copy of the book? What if my hubby refuses to virtually take over all the kid and household duties like he did during the last two book projects when deadlines loomed? What if we finish the book and it’s great…but then my computer crashes and we’ve forgotten to create a backup?

Given everything that could go wrong in putting together a book of this scope, who wouldn’t be just a bit tense? But I think the real reason I’m feeling so emotional is this. I can remember way back when, sitting in this same chair at this same desk where I’m writing now, wondering what a day in the life was like for other women. What were they doing at that very moment? What were they thinking and feeling? Now wouldn’t that be an awesome book idea!

Five years later, it still amazes me that my idea did indeed turn into an awesome book, not once, but twice, and soon (knock on wood) a third time. For me, launching this next book project is such a big deal not because of all the things that could go wrong… but because of all the things that have already gone right. Hundreds of women have contributed to This Day. They shared the truth about their lives. They spread the word. They made putting these books together fun and gave them meaning in ways I never could have imagined.

And so it begins again.

Yesterday, I sent out invitations to several women, asking them if they’d be willing to participate in a trial run of the new book. One of the first responses came from a young woman who works as an assistant to a literary agent in New York City. The first thing she wrote was, “I'm so excited about this!!!” And you know what? That’s why I’m so excited too.
